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 Ibru Ecumenical Centre  

The mystery of satanic exchange – part I

By John Okene

12 September 2021   |   4:05 am


Text: 1 Kg 3:16-23

Our Bible text gives us a clear picture of the mystery of satanic exchange. These two women were friends who lived together in the same house and were each delivered of a baby the same period. One of them overlaid her baby at night and the child died. To overlay means to press down to the point of covering. At one time or another you must have had a similar experience of being pressed down when asleep, especially at night. You try to lift up yourself but you can’t because you were overlaid by an evil presence. You try to call the name Jesus but nobody hears you until you suddenly wake up. That is a sign of witchcraft oppression and it is called evil visitation. The child in our Bible text who was overlaid by its mother, certainly must have cried out yet the mother continued until the child died. Obviously, that woman was a witch and the child suffered from evil visitation. Whenever you have such an experience, the aim of the devil is first to press you until you die in your dream. Secondly, it is to weaken you spiritually and thirdly to get something from you. Someone once told me that he had such an experience one night and woke up to find one of his teeth missing from his mouth. The woman in our bible text pressed the child and woke up at midnight to exchange the dead child with her friend’s living child. When the friend woke up, she wept bitterly to see a dead child by her side. But at the break of day, when she examined the child closely, she discovered it was not her child. Have you woken up to see strange growth or sickness in your body? This problem is not your own. Or you woke up to see your hair shaven and you say this is not me. “I pray for you that whatever was exchanged in your life while asleep physically or spiritually, there shall be a restoration in Jesus’ name.”

These two women dragged themselves to the king and started contesting but the witch of a woman was determined that none of them would have the child and so she opted for the child to be killed. There are people around you who have determined in their heart that if their children don’t prosper yours will not prosper also. “I decree, every witchcraft attitude of your neighbours towards you will backfire on them in Jesus’ name.” “Anyone that goes to sleep to attend a witchcraft meeting because of you, may they sleep till eternity in Jesus name.” A lot of exchanges take place in the middle of the night when men are asleep. One of them is child exchange as we see in the scriptural text. This can occur even from the womb. A lady came to me some time ago for prayers; she had two girls and was pregnant with the third child. When she had her second pregnancy, the scan result at the 8th month showed a male child but then she had a dream where a woman challenged her that she could never get a male child. She took the dream casually and so did nothing about it so when she put to bed; it was a female child again. It then dawned on her that there was a battle and that was when she came to me for prayers. We followed up in the place of prayers and she got pregnant again. The scan result showed it was a male child but this strange woman appeared again to challenge her. It was obvious that a satanic exchange was being done from the womb so I decreed that whosoever was responsible for it will die before the delivery of that baby. Two days before her delivery, news came that her mother-in-law was dead and this young lady was delivered of a bouncing baby boy. “I pray for you that whatever was taken from you in the spirit realm is coming back to you speedily in Jesus’ name.”

Rev. John Okene, Divine Touch Int’l Ministries, Warri, Delta State.

Prayerline: +2348135952623

Ibru Ecumenical Centre  

Dealing with satanic checkpoints

By John Okene

13 June 2021   |   3:58 am


Text: Dan. 10:12-13, 20-21

Scripturally, there are three heavens that exist as we see in 2 Cor. 12:2. The first one is the “Atmosphere,” which is the layer we see above us. The second one is the layer we see above us. The second one is the “Resident Quarters of the Forces of Darkness and Spiritual Wickedness” as expressed in Eph. 6:12. The third heaven, which is the Heaven of heavens, is the place where God resides. Now, in between the second and third heavens, there are satanic checkpoints mounted by powers. Eph. 6:12 tells us who these powers are. The first of them are rulers or principalities. They are authorities and spiritual wickedness in the high places. The NIV translation of the Bible refers to them as the powers that control the dark world or spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly. The second group is territorial powers. They are in charge of cities, communities, territories and nations. From our Bible text, we see that when Daniel prayed for 21 days an angel was dispatched to deliver his request but the angel was withheld by territorial powers. God had to reinforce by sending Angel Michael, the minister of defense to rescue the situation. This territorial power is called the Prince of Persia. Suffice to say that the devil dispatches certain spirits to take charge over every locality, cities or nations. In other words, we have the prince in charge of Warri, Lagos, Abuja and so on, just as we have the prince of Persia. For the nation of Israel, the prince in charge was Michael. For every ungodly community or nation there is an evil prince in charge. It is important, therefore, for you to understand the power ruling over your community and to prayerfully dislodge them and replace them with the angels of God.

The third power that mounts satanic checkpoints are the demonic gate keepers. They are in charge of who and what comes in and goes out of a place. They are in charge of embargoes. The fourth power, we see are located in the second heaven. They are celestial in nature but operate in the terrestrial. Thank God for His word, which says in (Eph. 1: 20-22) that God has raised Christ to be head over all things far above principalities and Eph. 2:6 says He has raised us up together in Christ Jesus. We have been raised to rule over the powers in charge of commerce in our environment. A lady cried to me that she was not making sales in her business by reason of the location of her shop. When I got to the plaza to pray for her I simply took charge of the demonic powers in charge of commerce there and invited the ark of God to be seated in her shop. From that day, the lady began to experience bountiful sales. People would leave every other shop to locate hers, which was hidden inside the plaza.

Again, these powers are called demonic immigration officers and custom men. Imagine a lady praying to God for a husband and God sends an angel to grant her request. This demonic immigration officers immediately consult with a spirit husband who lays claim of marriage over the lady and so the evil powers deny the angel access to the lady to get her husband. They declare that her passport is not correct so visa cannot be granted her for marriage. Again, they are called demonic custom men because they declare certain blessings as contraband in some homes. They mount checkpoints to see that dowries are not paid, no male child is born or no one ever prospers in some families. These powers could also be called Astoretes, the queen of heaven as we see in Jer. 44:17-24. There are various functions of these powers and first of them is to stop your angel of blessing from reaching you. “I pray that every satanic road block mounted against your angel of blessing will scatter in Jesus’ name.”

Rev. John Okene, Divine Touch Int’l Ministries, Warri, Delta State

Prayerline: +2348135952623

Ibru Ecumenical Centre  

Destroying satanic embargo – Part 1

By John Okene

28 March 2021   |   2:29 am

John Okene

The Greek word for embargo is Apag`orefsi and it means to bound, or a legal prohibition. Therefore, satanic embargo is a limitation placed on a person, place or thing. It is a demonic strategy used to prevent good things from reaching a person. It is also an evil programming to stop or slow down a person’s progress. From our Bible text, we see that there was an embargo placed on the city of Jericho; no one comes in or goes out, yet God said this is the route the Israelites must take to their promised land. There were two things required of them to get from the city before destroying it. It was rich in gold, which implies the wealth needed for their advancement to their place of rest.

Secondly, they were to bring out Rahab the prostitute because the real woman in her was ordained a foundational figure in the genealogy of Jesus Christ. So many people today cannot access their possessions in life because there is a spirit of Jericho standing as satanic embargo against them. This embargo must be destroyed and such a situation requires God’s presence and intervention. Anything embargoed becomes a contraband. If there is a satanic embargo on marriage for a lady, for instance and she smuggles her way through to get married, that husband becomes a contraband. The evil powers of Jericho working against her will do everything possible to frustrate that marriage. I pray for you that any satanic embargo preventing good things from your life will be lifted and destroyed today in Jesus name.

There are two sets of persons with regard to satanic embargo. The first are the conscious victims. These persons realise clearly that benefits are not coming to them as they come for others. They are qualified and skilful, yet never considered for jobs and other appointments. They are beautiful and well-mannered, yet no marriage proposals. The second set of persons are the unconscious victims, who either forget their dream, don’t dream at all or even think that what they are experiencing is normal. May God open your inner eyes to understand what you are going through in Jesus name!

There are different types of embargo, and the first of them is collective embargo. This is an embargo on a group of persons like a family, village, community or even a nation, having a cycle of similar experiences as we see in 2Kg 6; 25. I remember the case of a woman who cried to me sometime ago, saying she had six daughters all experiencing delayed marriage. This was a collective family embargo and after praying for them, they all got married in quick succession. The second type of embargo is selective or individual embargo, where one person is singled out as target by the evil powers. Sometimes, the situation seems to get worse, even after you pray, as we see with Jesus in Matt 4:1-6 understand that fire attracts problems. Acts 28:5, anointing does not drive the devil away. The third type is financial or economic embargo and some of the signs are when you find it difficult to get a job, money does not meet money in your hands or your business is always being attacked. Whatever will boost your financial state never works out well. If this is your case, that embargo is lifted today in Jesus name!

Rev. John Okene, Divine Touch Int’l Ministries, Warri, Delta State.

Prayerline: +2348135952623

Ibru Ecumenical Centre  

The mystery of satanic exchange – part 3

By John Okene

26 September 2021   |   2:17 am


Satanic exchanges occur every day around us, with the increasing level of wickedness in the world. Such exchanges occur more often in the spirit realm, some of which are clearly observable, just like the story in our Bible passage, while some others are not quickly detectable, until so much harm has been done. Some of the things that can be exchanged are your children, your spirit, your brain and even your wealth. A young man who attempted money rituals that backfired confessed sometime ago. He said after consultation with the witch doctor, he was told to perform some rituals at a market junction and by the next day, the market was burnt down mysteriously. That night, a personality appeared to him with a bagful of money; the wealth of the people in that market had been transferred to him. I decree to you, wherever your wealth is buried, whether under the ocean, on the altar of your father’s house or at the back of a tree, it is coming back to you speedily in Jesus name.

There can also be an exchange of destiny. In Gen. 49:3-4, we see the case of Reuben, who made a mistake by sleeping with his father’s wife and he received a curse for that. We see the repercussion of such a curse in 1 Chr. 5:1-2, when his birthright was transferred to Ephraim and Manasseh, the children of Joseph. Reuben, who was destined to be the firstborn by genealogy, became the last. I remember the story of a clinic, where the MD engaged in the exchange of destinies of babies born there. He would request that the midwives send to his office the first bath water of every baby. A member of his staff prayed to God one day for an insight into this weird request.

One day, she was led by the spirit to enter the MD’s office unceremoniously. Unfortunately for him, he did not lock the doors that day, as was his usual practice. He was found drinking from the water collected which he stored in bottles. This is the mystery of satanic exchange. Many people in life today are merely existing; moving about everyday, yet their destinies have been exchanged. If this is your case, may there be a restoration for you and whosoever is using your destiny to prosper, may they release it and die in Jesus name. Again, the health of a man can be exchanged. This can be by the use of an effigy or through the ministry of the devourers, as we see in Jer. 30:16-17. A young man that had been battling with strange kidney and liver problems was healed divinely in one of our services. It was revealed that this same attack had killed his father earlier on.

The powers that be can exchange such organs with that of a goat, but God said He would restore health unto you (Jer. 30:17). Finally, there can be exchange of soul, Mtt. 16:26, 4:8-9. The devil can give the pleasures of life in exchange for a man’s soul. He comes with such gradual transactions as immorality and a busy daily schedule that takes away your fellowship with God, thereby leaving your soul malnourished. In this way, the heart of many has been snared and their soul captured by the devil. Satanic exchanges or transfer can be done through associations, curses, dreams, laying of hands, rituals done on an evil altar or by exchange of clothes. May God help us in Jesus name!

Rev. John Okene, Divine Touch Int’l Ministries, Warri, Delta State.

Prayerline: +2348135952623


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