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 Ibru Ecumenical Centre  

Demonic doorways – Part 1

By John Okene

17 January 2021   |   2:12 am

John Okene<br />

Our Bible text from Mk. 7:25-30 tells us that a woman, whose daughter was tormented by a demon went to Jesus for divine intervention. When she returned home, she found that the devil had gone out. This implies that there is an entry and exit point for the devil. Eph. 4:27 says: “We should give no room for the devil to operate in our lives.” In Jn. 10:10, Jesus says there is a spiritual thief with a three-point agenda to steal, kill, destroy and it always has an entry point to access his victims. Most thieves don’t just break walls, but most often, get their access through the door or window. If I want to prevent thieves from coming to my house, I must fortify it with burglar proof, CCTV cameras, security dogs, personnels and other gadgets. So also in the spirit realm, if the devil wants to access a man’s life, there are doors he uses and so, it is important we understand what these doors are to enable us protect them. Prov. 4:23 says: “We should keep watch over our hearts above all things because the issues of life spring forth from there.” This implies that we must protect our salvation, healing, children and all that God has given us before the devil takes them away from us.

One of the demonic doorways is village festivals. This includes New Yam festivals, age group festivals and others, where masquerades perform. Whenever you go to the village and partake of these festivals, you are giving the devil access into your life.

Some years ago, a brother who claimed to be born again decided never again to attend his village’s annual festival, but on one occasion thought it okay to send down his financial contribution in support of the festival. That night he had a dream where he found himself in attendance at the festival and he was served the official drink (palm wine), which he drank. When he woke up, he knew that things were not right with him spiritually. So, he ran to his pastor for prayer. In the course of the deliverance, he vomited physically a large quantity of palm wine. How do you explain such? Someone who lived in Lagos, Nigeria partaking spiritually of a festival that occurred in the eastern part of Nigeria? He was not there physically, but his money was a point of connection. Beware of the kind of programmes you sponsor or support, as you might be opening a door. A lot of Christians, today, subject their pastor to untold pains and labour, when they attend such demonic festivals only to come back complaining or being pursued by masquerades.

The second doorway is demonic movies. Understand that it is not all movies you should watch or permit your children to watch. So many people are living in ignorance today (Hosea 4:6) and so are taken into captivity (Isa. 5:13). In cartoons like Barbie, you see creatures that are half-fish and half-human swimming in the air or water and children love it so much. They get so engrossed until they see themselves swimming in like manner, unknown to them that they have been initiated. When films like Harry Potter came up, a lot of children were initiated and the manifestations at some conducted children deliverance programmes was terrifying. You must be careful with your eye gate, ear gate and mouth gate.

The third doorway is pornography and this can lead to addiction. Some of the persons you watch in pornography have covenanted themselves to the devil. So, when you watch them, you are automatically drawn to them in that covenant. A young man bought the poster of a naked woman and pasted it on the walls of his room. He observed that as he looked at the picture, he began to masturbate. This progressed into having wet dreams. He was enjoying it and did nothing about it. It dawned on him that it was not normal, when he started seeing the lady coming out of the picture physically to have sex with him. One day, he tore the poster into pieces and that night, he was given the beating of his life in the dream and was warned to replace the picture. He ran down for deliverance and was set free. Pornography opens doors to spirit spouse and all sexual immorality. So, be careful.

• Divine Touch Int’l Ministries, Warri, Delta State.


Prayerline: +2348135952623


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