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  Spiritual Meaning Of Numbers Spiritual Meaning Of Numbers Adding Up The Spiritual Meaning Of Numbers The meaning of numbers can be both confusing and revealing. Every number has a certain power which is expressed both by its symbol to denote its representation and by its connection to universal principles. Numbers have relationships with all things in nature, thus making them supremely powerful symbolic expressions. At its most basic, numerology is the study of numbers and their influence in our lives, but there is so much more potential. Numerology is the study of numbers. I love numerology because it’s a thread of understanding that can be pulled, and pulled and pulled – ad infinitum. Numerology offers so many facets to understanding a single event. The esoteric meaning of numbers can be a real  code-cracker  of our life experience. Having said that, see below for a  simple guide  to the spiritual meaning of numbers. These are generalities. Truly, the intricacies of number meanings